Come learn UEFN with professional creators

We make education accessible from all over the world. Our doors are open any levels of experience. Our mission is to develop individuals, inspire creative passion, and increase students' self-confidence.
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We offer the best training

Our team has taught beginners to professionals with skills ranging from generalist to specialist. 

On Demand Learning

Your learning experience is archived so you can review and watch it on demand at your convince. 

Best Service

Our instructors with with you every step of the way, answering your questions as you present them. We foster an interactive relationship with you to ensure we meet you where you are.

Expert Professionals

Our professional educators and work with UEFN as experienced designers problem solving to publish games.
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Our vision

Our vision is to foster a community of creators. 

To help you grow upon

To meet your deadlines

Live Learning

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Beginner friendly
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Transferable Skills

Between skill sets
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Growing Library

Stay up to date

Meet our instructors

Ian Southwell

Lead Instructor


Verse engineer
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New students join every week!

Join our community of students from all around the world!